The second Worskshop on modeling PPPs based on the Business Plans of 2018 unfolded.

On January 17, starting at 9 o’clock, the first of the four sessions to develop a Business Plan that can be done through the Public-Private Partnerships mechanism took place. The participants, including representatives of cities and towns, have been meeting our invitation to change the development paradigm from public management, by moving to shared management with the private environment that will impact jobs and people’s access to quality infrastructure. Each of the developed projects will have a unique presentation launched on the platform and where the form of direct contact with the final beneficiary will be ensured. The workshop is moderated by IDEP Moldova PPP Expert, Associate Business Plan Expert, experienced lawyer in concrete PPP projects and IT specialist from IDEP Moldova. At the same time, for the first time in each WORKSHOP, we are specifically informed by a representative of the Public Property Agency about the legal and correct procedure of a PPP, including the contact details of the agency and the responsible persons.

The participants of the workshop noted that private-public cooperation, public domain and citizens’ expectations for access to quality infrastructure can be ensured by Public-Private Partnerships.

We are expecting new challenges at the workshops organized by IDEP Moldova!