- 22.12.2017

Any project involves successes and failures in certain chapters. Any attempt and achievement is by grinding the skill of achieving certain objectives proposed within certain proposed objectives. Often only deficiencies are calculated in certain procedures, the maximum concentration being on the process, and how do we stand with the result?
The result of the inaction is presented to you in the attached analysis, and the conclusions please do …
Are we wrong ?! By inaction we will lose extra value, right ?!
The number of Objectives of the Public Heritage of Administrative-Territorial Units in 2013-2017 increased by 57% and their value by only 1%. The discrepancy of 56%, the decrease of value by over 15000 million lei in 5 years or 8.25 mln daily. Decreasing the value of the Public Patrimony of Administrative-Territorial Units 01.01.2013-01.01.2017 in the Republic of Moldova is 11.52% per year, while the average acceptable wear on infrastructure projects is 4% per year. Public-Private Partnerships give people access to
modern infrastructure at regional level by attracting private investment and sustainable jobs.
More an www.pppmoldova.org