- 10.02.2016

The project was initiated in 2014 by Michal Boni, Member of the European Parliament.
Hackathonbridge is a project aimed at supporting young people, creative people from Poland, Ukraine and Moldova, to realize innovative ideas. Being monitored by specially selected supervisors, we can support you in capitalizing on the project to participate in the contest. The best teams will receive a financial support of 45,000 euros. Persons representing at least two countries, aged less than 35 years, may apply for that grant until 30 April 2016.
We have a goal — innovation
The main goal is to find and implement innovative solutions in business, society and culture. We want to support young people from the pro-European communities of Poland, Ukraine and Moldova in the process of European Integration and to provide them with practical knowledge regarding the identification of the financiers.
We will prepare you for real trials
We, members of the Svichado & amp; amp; amp; amp; quot ;, iHUB Kiev, Ukraine, the Solidarity Fund of the Republic of Moldova and Startup HUB, Poland, are supervised by Michal Boni, Member of the European Parliament , we will support you in preparing the projects according to European requirements, both for business investors and for European institutions.
We are committed to developing East-West partnerships
We will help you identify partners from the other participating countries mentioned above and we will support you in forming the concept of the project, whether it is your first or none of your project.
Encourage the exchange of experience between young people in the European Union and the Eastern countries. Join our innovative community. Develop partnerships.
Our Achievements in 2014:
100 applications instead of 50 expected.
78 applications accepted.
1479 unique likes on our facebook page.
12 Ambassadors from Poland and Ukraine.
6 cities in Poland: Warsaw, Lublin, Schechin, Shliansk, Krakow, Wroclaw.
8 cities in Ukraine: Kiev, Odessa, Lvov, Kirovograd, Ternopol, Drogobich, Herson, Kharkov.
1 city in Belgium: Brugge (the projects were applied by Polish and Ukrainian students).
3 winning projects
Bussiness: Businesses (» bussiness-games ») of waste management and adaptation to climate change entrepreneurs have been successfully implemented. The workshops were organized in Lublin (Poland) and Odessa (Ukraine). The two business plans on waste management are applicable both within municipal and private organizations.
Society: 36 Ukrainian children who have never been abroad and 30 Polish children have attended an intensive English course for 10 days in Zakopane (Poland). The lessons were based on the «Communicative Language Teaching Method» («Communicative Language Teaching Method»). After successfully running the final tests, each participant received a Certificate of Education.
Culture: The Polish-Ukrainian Laboratory of Documentary Films «Doc Docu Toloka» of Studio Film, named after O.Dovjenko, was launched. Thanks to him 10 young directors made their own films under the patronage of Maciez Drygaz, Miroslaw Dembiński and Jacek Balvut. They were also promoted at the Cinema Festivals in Krakow, Rotterdam, Leipzig and Prague.
Financial support was provided by our partners:
Orange Poland, Fundacjia PZU Polska, UPC Polska, Microsoft Poland and Ukraine, Bank Polski, Bergman Engineering.
Develop partnerships!
Form of application